
Sunday, May 29, 2016


Screen Name: LOTUSDAZE
Birth Name: Natasha Lee (inserts German surname)
Korean Name: Naeun Lee
Birthday: May 24* 2002
Height: 152 cm (still growing!)
Nationality: American! :)
Ethnicity: 1/4 Korean, 1/4 German, 1/4 Malaysian-Chinese, 1/4 Malaysian-Indian
Specialty: Dance, Acting, & Art
Hobbies: Reading, Dancing, Listening to Music, Learning Languages

- I love all genres of music but, Kpop / Korean music is my fav! I really like R&B and EDM too. But, my all-time fav groups are SEVENTEEN, DAY6, WINNER, CnBlue, Z:EA, Boyfriend, Shinee, and ROMEO.
- My fav foods are char kway teow (炒粿条) and bulgogi (불고기) <3
- I have a ton of odd nicknames: Mandu, Pinky ( Just like IOI lol) , 大白兔 (bai-tu/ white rabbit), Nana, Fei-fei, Min, Ice Princess*.

♡ ♡ ♡
What does LOTUSDAZE mean? -  The lotus is one of my all time fav flowers- it's beautiful, gentle and very symbolic to me. And if you knew me in real life- you know I like to daydream- A LOT. "Daze" is just a word that kinda fits into that daydreaming category in my opinion.

About My Blog- Before this blog, I had 3 or 4 other personal blogs which are now closed, due to personal reasons. I started blogging last year cuz, I saw a lot of bloggers used blogging as their diary and a way to share their opinions and interests. I thought it was so cool! In this blog, I'll try to update about fashion, beauty, diys, and snippets of my life thrown in here and there and just things I like in general. I am currently extremely uncertain of where blogging will take me, or if I'll have a future blogging as well- but I'll try my best! Thank you so much for all the love and support I've received so far! I hope you can come along on my journey!
